' mmi'iii..irrt >>ni|i in i mnwflnrtiM ■■lix3h_j Vol. i.—No. 6. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1892. Begistered as a Newspaper. Weekly One Penny. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Portrait and Biographical Sketch of Rev. Thomas Cynonfardd Edwards, D.D. lectures on Christianity by the late Principal D. C. Davies. Lecture 2. Notes from Mansfield. The late C. H. Spurgeon. Notes from the Midland Metropolis. Mr. W. T. Stead in Cardiff. Reviews. Literary Notes. The Ladies' Column. The Gospel according to Stead. Editorial Notes. Congregational Notes. Presbyterian Notes, baptist Notes. Wesleyan Methodist Notes. The Sentiments of Silas Strong. PROMENADE, LLANFAIRFECHAN. VICTORIA HOUSE SCHOOL FOR DELICATE GIRLSjind AHGLO-IflDIAflS. Principal: MRS. BEWLAY. VACANCIES FOR BOARDERS. rpiERM commenced September 13th FEES, 1 £30 per Annum. Wanted, Parlour Boarder and Useful Companion. Private Lessons in Music, Shorthand, Languages, and Painting Classes now forming. Original Portrait, in four Positions, of the REY. W. WATKISS, MAY BE OBTAINED OF F. ORCHARD & Go., ABTISTS, PORTRAIT, ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHERS, THE CROFT STUDIO, STOKES' CROFT, BRISTOL. f% Je/f* 1*1 #"l _I REV. TH6MAS CYNONFARDD EDWARDS, D.D. THORASINE (THE RECIPE OF DR. J. J. SMITH), A Family Medicine for CHILD or ADULT. THIS Y-HLr-TJABJUE REMEDY GIVES 11\ STANT Perfectly Harmless, and we guarantee it a <*.».*.'•.. RELIEF positive CURE. Can be given to a ------------------------------------ NEW BORN BABE. COUGHS COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SORE THROATS, OR ANY AFFECTION OF THROAT, CHEST, OR LUNGS. TO BE OBTAINED OF THK BOLE PROPRIETORS, w. & jr. SMITH, 162, NETOT MARKET, CARDIFF, AND ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. 1/- FXSXt BOTTLE. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Week by Week. Sabbath School Lessons. International Lesson. I. B. R. A. Church News:— Church of England. Presbyterian Congregational. Baptist. Wesleyan Methodist. Notes from the Welsh Colleges. University College of North Wales. Bala-Bangor Independent College. Brecon Memorial College. College Notes. Notes and Queries. What our Friends say. Press Notices. Cymru Ldn /|\ Qwlad y Qdn. THE NORTH WALES MUSIC COMPANY, LIMITED. CASTLE HILL, BANGOR 9, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. THE LARGEST MUSIC AND MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS ESTABLISHMENT IN NORTH WALES. PIANOS BY BROADWOOD AND SONS, COLLARD AND COLLARS, I BACH & SON, JUSTIN BROWN, RALPH ALLISON, BORD, &o., &c. ORGANS BY MASON & HAMLIN, BELL & CO., ESTEY ORGAN CO. HARMONIUMS BY ALEXANDRE, DEBAIN, G. L. BAUER &c, &c. Pianos from 10s. per month. Organs from 6s. per month. Harmoniums from 5s. per month. Organs and Harmoniums for Churches, Chapels, and Schools Supplied at Trade Prices. THE NORTH WALES MUSIC COMPANY, LIMITED, Bangov and Cavnavvon. E. D. WILLIAMS, R.A.M., Manager.