t^SSSmSm^SSi.....'SSSSSSSSSm SSSSSZSS^SSSSSSI^^^lXS^^SSSSSS^SSSi^S^ Wtiti'mmwIO* ' " ,--' JS3H5.....TiTTPlirfriii nFriraiiiiM Vol. i.—No. 2. FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1892. **££$i£.a Weekly One Penny. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Portrait and Biographical Sketch of the late Rev. W. Watkiss. Lectures on Christianity by the late Principal D. C. Davies. Lecture 1. Biographical Sketch of BeY. Lewis Powell, Cardiff. Ladies' Column. History of the Early Nonconformists of Paris. Reviews. Literary Notes. Congregationalism in 1891. The late Mrs. Edwards, of Bala. The Editor's Letter Bag. What our Friends Say. Called Back. Editorial Notes. Presbyterian Notes. Congregational Notes. Baptist Notes. Wesleyan Methodist Notes. ART WALL I DECORATIONS Chelsea. THE LARGEST ! PATTERNS ON APPLICATION. PET EI* T$OBirJ£OTJ. BLACK GOODS & GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE, JR.EQENT ^TREET, Covered Carriage Entrance in Argyll Street, Telegraphic Address, "PETER ROBINSON, LONDON.'' Telephone Number 3557. Walef^y Limited. new electric light studio NOW OPEN. 164, Regent Street,, W% KING, SELL, & RAILTON, Ltd., PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, GOUGH SQUARE and BOLT COURT, 151, FLEET STREET, ID OUST ID OUST, IE3.C. Hetpspapers, WLagasmts, Books, &c.: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY CONTRACT. TfcLEGRAPHIC ADDRESS! "AFRICANISM LONDON. TELEPHONE NO.~2759. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Temperance Notes. Notabilia. Week by Week. Open Council. Funeral of the late Rev. W. Watkiss. Sabbath School Lessons. International Lesson. Notes from the Welsh Colleges. The Sentiments of Silas Strong. Etchings from Life. Church News:— Church of England. Presbyterian Congregational. Baptist. Wesleyan Methodist. Welshmen Abroad. Notes and Queries. Health Helps. The Sleeping Tiger (Tale). Dr. Ridge's PATENT WAAJ COOKED A: UUU. J^. fWcy <Bkdoi\ & <B*otl\ery, ^amtiitga en Wioob attir ^tttirpis f&apcBirjj ©loilj far Umbos, Qllaz-yuzts, |litljtiis, siz. 6. YORK BLDGS.. ADELPHI, W.C. FRI8CH, SCHIERWATER & CO.'S waimam watctes are guaranteed to go to a minute "a month, and to last a lifetime. OYER 5,000,000 IN USE. Price 35s. to £35. 29,OHURCHST.,LIVERPOOL