Welsh Journals

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®tu fIfflttWtftttJtjslMje .._ —-— No. 11] NOVEMBER [Id. ON THE CONDITION AND PEOSPECTS OF OUR DENOMINATION IN THE COUNTY. II. WE speak in these papers of our own denomination rather than of Christian Churches generally, not because we have any overweening or exclusive attachment to our denomination, as ours, or because we have any sympathy with the narrowness which rejoices in the "walling" around the "garden," but for two special reasons:—first, because we have no data on which to found opinions with respect to the general state of religion in our County; and secondly, because we are mainly responsible for those who are near to us, and most accessible to our influence. "We, as churches and members of a denomination—an ugly title, ^ by the bye, though an indispensable one—come into contact with each other, act in concert, and hold very close and fraternal relations to each other, so that we have each an interest in the welfare of all, and each some ability and some scope to increase the good of alL Last month we endeavoured to shew, by reference to statistics, the real condition of things in our County; and we had to exhibit a state of affairs by no means pleasant or hopeful: we discovered that the congregations in our churches are small, the membership scanty, and the finances miserably low. In attempting to suggest remedies for this condition of things, we first directed attention to the influence for good which might be put forth by the Association, and to the work of fostering and assisting weak churches which fell naturally and properly to the