Welsh Journals

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No. 6.] JUNE. [Id. MISSIONAEY SERVICES. Dear Sir,— Allow me through the pages of your Magazine to address the several churches in the county who, during the present month, are to be visited and addressed by deputations from the London Mis¬ sionary Society, on its behalf, with a view to increase its funds, and create a greater interest in the minds of its supporters and friends. I would earnestly invite the attention of your readers to the words of the late Rev. John Williams, missionary to the South Seas, in his address to a large meeting convened at the Tabernacle, London, on the 10th of April, 1832, the evening previous to his embarking for the second time to the scene of his labours. On the following day he was accompanied to the ship by a large -number of friends, who, as in the case of the Apostle Paul, sorrowed most of all because they should not see his face any more in the flesh, (a presentimeut which proved to be correct) This great and good man on that memorable evening said "I feel still that the work of Christian Missions is the greatest, the noblest, and the most sublime to which the energies of the human mind can be devoted ; that no labour we can bestow, no sacrifice that we can make, no journeys that we can undertake are too great to be endured for the glorious purpose of illuminating the dark places of the earth with the light of the holy gospel of the blessed God. There is something to my mind trans- cendently sublime in the comprehensive character of Christian Mis¬ sions; the field as our Saviour said, is the world'; the globe in its entire circumference is the missionary's parish; the world is his sphere of operation; and every individual in the human family is the object of his benevolent solicitude. 'Go,' said the Saviour, 'into all the