PRYSE'S CAMBRIAJ BOOK REGISTER No. 1.] JUNE, 1857. [Price Id. The object aimed at in issuing this Serial, is to give a -wider and more effectual Publicity to the effusions of the Welsh Press than has hitherto been obtained. The want of some such Circular has long been observed by the Publisher; he has heard it reiterated, that we (the Welsh) have no Literature worth the name. The English reader has certainly but slight oppor¬ tunities of ascertaining what our Literature is composed of. The contents of these pages will, it is hoped, at no very distant period, prove to the world that we have a Literature that will Ftand comparison with any in Europe, particularly as regards Theology, Music, and Poetry. The pages of the " Encyclopedia Camrrensis " will show that our Literati are not unac¬ quainted with the strides of modern science. The Publisher of this Circular will endeavour to make its perusal alike profitable to English and Welsh readers. The following extract from a letter received, will show that the Publisher was not the only one who saw the want of a publication of this character :— * * * " I was extremely glad to find that you intend to publish a Cambrian Book Ad¬ vertiser, for I found it very difficult many times to find books in connexion with Wales and Welsh Literature. Should Authors, Publishers, Booksellers, and Bookbuyers, unite to use it as a medium to advertise books, printed and sold, such a circular undoubtedly would greatly tend to promote and facilitate Welsh Literature. I am, Sir, your's obediently, DAVID MORGAN. Publishers and Authors will oblige by giving the size and binding, of each Book in English. The Books numbered 1 to 19 are published and sold by Messrs. R. HUGHES & SON, Wrexham. Note ready in 3 vols, dewy 8ro, clollt, gilt lettered, with portrait of the author, price 22s. 6d. Half calf is. extra, the ibork may also be had in 39 6d. par's. * 1 Methodistiaeth Cymru ; (a history of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists,) gan y Parch. J. Hughes, Lerpwl: sef, hanes cyfodiad, cyn- ydd, a llwyddiant Methodistiaeth Calfinaidd Cymru: o ddechrcuad y eyfundrb hyd y flwyddyn 1850; yn rhanedig i bump Dosbarth. Y Dosbarth cyntaf, yn eynwys Hanesion Rhagarweiniol—Dosbarth ail, Cychwyniad Methodistiaeth.—Dosbarth trydydd, Cynydd Methodistiaeth.—Dosbarth pedwerydd, Ha- nesiaeth y Siroedd.—Dosbarth pummed, CM'ansodchad a dylanwad Methodistiaeth. '■ Y mac goleuni y mae yr awdwr yn ei daflu ar amseroedd a aethant heibio, asylwadau rhagorol yr awdwr, a'r hanesynau treiddiol eydd yn britho y gwaith, yn ei wneyd yn un or llyfrau mwyaf swynol a welsom erioed. Paharu na phrynai pob eglwys un i'w osod yn y ty eapcl ? &c"—O'r " Cxlcugeawts"." " Os ydyw y drydedd Gyfrol mor ddyddorol a'r gyntaf a'r ail, gwerthfavi i ogir hi genyf yn fawr iawn. Y mae j gwaith oil yn an- mhrisiadwy."—Y Parch. T. Phillips, Gor- uchwyliwr y Feibl Gynideithas, * * « * " The" Publication of such a work is an honour to the Connexion to which it relates} the execution of it by its industrious and clear-headed author immortalizes his name, * * Mr. Hughes writeB in beautiful Welsh, in a 6tyle clear, easy, flowing, vigorous, and charming. The work is a delightful treat to the intellect, to the imagination, and to the piety of every one who can read Welsh. * * It is of thrilling interest and graphic nar¬ rative."—Evangelical Magazine. * All Books inserted in this Register will bo printed in similar type to above, as this Pub¬ lication is intended at some future day to form something like a complete Catalogue of Welsh Literature. No book will be registered more than once, unless a new edition appear; all books registered must be printed in the principality, or in the Welsh Language, or otherwise have connexion with the Literature of Wales. The advertising sheets which will accompany this Serial are open for the reception of every description of Advertisement*.