THE CAMBRO-BRITON. JUNE, 1822. i£mxtmt$. Page. unarg Nittcw........ 450 The Triads—No. XXIIL Triads of the Miser........451 Ethical Triads............454 Genealogy of the Saints.. 455 Original Letters.—Letter XVI.—Rev. Goronwy Owen to Mr. William Morris...... 458 Letter XVII.—James How¬ ell, Esq. to the Earl R------.. 462 The Wisdom of Catwg. * Truisms of Catwg..........465 Other Truisms ............466 More Truisms.............. 467/ Letters on Brecknockshire. LetterV................... 468 LetterVI................. 470 Letter VII.................473 Letter VIII...............475 Excerpta.—The Wendi.....477 Welsh Translations.—Pas¬ sage in Thomson's Seasons .. 481 Ceinion y Greal.—No. II. Petty Memorials..........483 Page Antiquities.—Stonehenge .. 487 The Miscellanist.—No. XX. I. Lines by Mr. Lewis Morris 490 II. Coelbren y Beirdd...... 491 III. Lines on St. David's Day id. IV. Welsh Notices ........493 V. Account of the Eistedd- vbd at Caerwys, in 1798 .. id, New Publications. Hu Gadarn................ 495 Odlig i Gymmlwyddiant Ail Cymmrodorion ............ 501 Englyn............,......... id. iBngUs'D f oetrg Lines on the Cymmrodorion Eisteddvod................502 ilRonttjIg ifogtster. Cymmrodorion..............503 Cymreigyddion in Swansea ... 511 Cymmrodorion in Chester .... 512 Literary Announcements .... id. ¥OL. 111. 3 m;