THE CAMBBO-BRITON. MAY, 1822, Contents Page. I&elimtnata Notices........386 The Triads.—No. XXII.— Triads of the Isle of Britain relating to Arthur.......... 387 Genealogy of the Saints.. 394 French Antiquarian Society, Mr. Grant's Work..........396 Anthologiana.—No. III. .. 404 Original Letters.—Rev. Go- ronwy Owen to Mr. .William Morris.....................409 Letters on Brecknockshire. Letter I...........».......412 Letter II................... 413 Letter III.................416 Letter IV.................418 Etymology. Aber—Cymmer- au—Aberth—Anverth—Cu- all,&c.....................420 Welsh Music—No. XV.....423 Page. BiogrAphy.—Memoir of Da* vydd Ddu o Eryri.i...... 426 Excerpta.—I. The Wendi... 433 II. The Welsh Indians .... 435 &toen €gtottu. Pennill..........>.,.,.......437 Englynion ar y Cildannau .... id. GwylDewiSant.............438 3Ett8lt8ij$0$trB Canorion Song............... 439 Cambrian Melody............440 Green Isles of the Ocean .... 441 jStonifilg Register. Cymmrodorion............... 442 Cambrian Society in Dyved... 444 Cymmrodorion in Gwynedd .. 445 St. David's Day.............. 446 Church Union Society in the Diocese of St. David's......447 Literary Announcements .... id, VOL. III. 3 |)