THE CAMBRO-BRITON, APRIL, 1822. Contents Page. IJreltitttnafg Nstwes........ 322 The Laws of Hywel.—The Common Law.............. 323 The Triads.—No. xxi.—The Welshman's Triads ........ 328 TheWisdom of Catwg.—The " Obnoxious Persons " of Catwg*.................... 331 Etymology.—Balaklava ..... 332 Genealogy of the Saints.. 335 Literary Institutions.—- French Antiquarian Society 338 Mr. Grant's Work on the Gaelic Language.......... 339 Sketches of Society—Welsh Biddings.................., 346 Can Gwahoddwr.......... 348 Welsh Letters............350 ExcERPTA.—The Irish Harp 354 CeinioN y Greal.—No. I.— 358 Twenty -four Brit. Kings,&c 359 Page. The Miscellanist, No. xix. I. Trochi—Baptize........ 3G6 II. The Leek .............. 3G8 III. Love of the Welsh for their Country............ 309 IV. Welsh Indians........371 New Publications—Traeth- awd ar gadwedigaeth yr Iaith Gymraeg............ I7i &toert ©gmru. Englynion *.................3*77 Y Glew......................378 SBngltst) Uoetrg. The Death of Llywelyn......378 The Last Minstrel............ 380 Cambrian Melody..........•• 381 JBont&Ia Agister. Cymmrodorion..............382 Gwyneddigion.............. id. St. David's Day.......•...... kl. Literary Announcements .... 384 VOL. Ill, T T