THE CAMBRO-BRITON MARCH, 1822. <£Ottt£ttt0* Page. ffrelfotfoars Notices......'.'. 258 The Laws of Hywel.—The Common Law..............259 Didactics of Geraint.—The "Choice Things" of Geraint 264 The " Obnoxious People " of Geraint.................. 265 Genealogy of the Saints.. 266 Excerpta.—Conformity be¬ tween Indian and Bardic Theology..................269 Welsh Music, No. xiv.....273 Excursion in North Wales 275 Etymology.-----The name "Cymry" ................282 Cambriana, No. iv.........291 Biography.—Menioir ofRev. John Williams ............295 Welsh Translations—Lines onaCanary ..............299 Page. TheMiscellanist, No.xviii. I. Bardic Motto in Powys .. 301 II. Hamburgh or Treva .... 304 III. Origin of Language— Welsh IV. Welsh MSS. in London 306 New Publications.—Trans¬ lation of " Palestine."....., 307 ®tiom ©gnrnt. Pennillion ..................313 I Hav ...................... id. SSngltsJ $oetrg. Translation of the Pennillion.. 314 Cambrian Melody............ id. Another....................315 The" ValeofTywy"........ id. JHotlthlg UtQisUV. Cymmrodorion in London .... 316 Cymmrodorion in Powys .... 317 Literary Announcements .... 319 VOL. III. L L