THE CAMBRO-BBITON. FEBRUARY, 1822. Contents Page. ^ftzliminarv Notices ........194 Welsh Laws................ 195 LawsofHywelDda........196 Genealogy of the Saints.. 201 TheWisdom of the Cymry— The Welcomings..........204 The Nine Rural Arts ......205 The Nine Political Arts .... id. Etymology.-----The name "Cymry"................ id. Excursion in North Wales 210 Welsh Translations......215 The Bible..................217 Anthologiana, No. n.......220 WelshLiterarySocieties— Address delivered at Brecon 224 Dramatic Writing ........233 Cornish Opera ............236 Page. The Miscellanist, No. Scvii. I. Origin of Language...... 244 II. Answers to the " Ques¬ tions on the Welsh Laws." 247 III. Medical Receipts .... 248 &tocn €gmru. Pennillion.................. 249 iSnglisfj ftoetrs. Translation of the Pennillion.. 250 Melody—"Dee'sDruidWater" 251 The Bard's Lament for Cyn- ddylan....................252 iWottttjIg Ktgfster. Cambrian Society in Dyved .. 253 Cambrian Society in Gwent.. 254 Welsh Church in Liverpool .. 255 Literary Announcements .... 256 VOI, III,