THE CAMBEO-BRITON. JANUARY, 1822. Contents. Page. Uminarj} Notices........iso Triads oftheIsleof Britain 131 Chronological Epitome of the Historical Triads ........ 133 Genealogy of the Saints.. 137 The Wisdom of CaTwg—The Sayings of the Crowi.......140 GwiLYMIANA, No. I.........141 Memoir of Davydd ab Gwil- ym .:....................142 Translation of one of his Poems.................. 149 WelshProverbs—Historical Proverbs................ 151 Excursion through North Wales....................153 Welsh Translations...... 161 Welsh Music, No. xiii. .... 164 Etymology................ 167 Mon—Mona..............168 Excerpta—Language of Pa¬ radise...........,........172 Page. The Miscellanist, No. xvi. I. The Origin of Language.. 175 II. Welsh Societies—Bardic Motto in Powys..........177 III. Comets................ 179 IV. Questions on the Welsh Laws.................... 180 &tow ©gntru. Gwalchmai i Davydd abOwain 181 Epitaph on Bardd Mon......182 iSttgltsTj $oetrg. Translation of Gwalchmai's Poem..................182 TheHirlas Horn............185 jttonttjls afegfeter. Cymmrodorion in London .... 186 Cambrian Society in Gwent .. 187 Celtic MSS. in Dublin........190 Literary Announcements .... 192 VOL. III.