THE CAMBRO-BRITON NOVEMBER, 1821. Contents Page, IJrelfaunarwNotices........ 2 Retro-prospective Address 3 Genealogy of the Saints .. 7 Ancient Laws—Privileges of the Men of Arvon..........11 Antiquities.------1. Druidical Monument in Guernsey ... 14 Il.Inscriptionat Pentrevoelas 16 Biography.—Owain Glyndwr 17 Excerpta.—Languages of Bis¬ cay, Ireland, and the Isthmus ofDarien.................. 27 Welsh Translations.—Ad- veddiant Gwynva ..........33 The Miscellanist, No. xiv. I. Cyvarvod Cymhorth......35 II. Monumental Inscriptions at Llangollen............30 Page. Cambriana, No. in. ........37 New Publications,—Cywydd y Diluw.................... 43 afoett Cgmru. Pennillion....................49 Tribanau Ymson Cato..................50 ^ttglfefi $ oetrg. Translation of the Pennillion.. 51 • ■-----of the Tribanau.... id. Owain Gwynedd..............52 JHontfilg .|fcgi0ter. < Carnarvon Eisteddvod........55 Cymmrodorion Report........59 Highland Society of London .. 62 Highland Society of Aberdeen 63 Literary Announcements......64 VOL. III.