THE CAMBRO-BftlTOH. JUNE, 1821. -" ! i ..........■■■"* in ',. 5ggea=sgBBaBsar NULLI QUIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VrDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. CiCERO de-Legibus. THE TRIADS.—No. XX. TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN*. Xcvu. The three Powerful Swine-herds of the Isle of Britain: the first was Pryderi, the son of Pwyll Pen Anwn, who kept the swine of Pendaran Dyved, his foster-father; and it was in the valley of Cuch in Emlyn, that he kept them ; the second was Coll ab Collvrewi, who kept the sow of Dallwaran Dablien, that came burrowing as far as the headland of Penwedig in Cornwall, and, there going into the sea, she came to land at Aber Tarogi in Gwent Iscoed, and Coll ab Collvrewi having his hand in the bristles whithersoever she went, on the sea, or on the land; and at Wheat-field in Gwent she dropped three grains of wheat, and three bees ; and ever since there have been the best wheat and honey in Gwent; and from Gwent she travelled into Dyved, and there, at Llonis Llonwen, she laid a grain of barley and a pig; and from that time the best barley and swine have been in Dy¬ ved ; afterwards she proceeded as far as Arvon, and in Lleyn she laid a grain of rye; and ever since the best rye has been in Lleyn and Eivionvdd ; and on the skirt of the ascent of Cyverthwch, she laid a wolf cub and an eagle chick ; and Coll gave the eagle to Brynach, the Gwyddelian, of Dinas Faraon ; and the wolf he gave to Menwaed, the lord of Arllechwedd,—and there is much talk about the wolf of Brynach and the eagle of Menwaed; and, from thence going to the Maen Du in Arvon, she there laid a kitten, which Coll ab Collvrewi threw into the Menai; and that was the Palug Cat, that became afterwards a molestation to the Isle of Mon. The third was Trystan ab Tallwch, who kept the swine of March, the son of Meirchion, whilst the swine-herd went * Arch. of Wales, vol. ii. pp. 71 —75. VOL. II. 3 K