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CA11BE©=B-EIT©I, MAY, 1821. NULLI QUIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VIDENTUR, QTJIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. CiCERO de Legibus. THE. TRIADS.—No. XIX. TRIADS OE THE ISLE OF BRITAIN*. lxxxiii. Three things that were the cause of the subduing-of Lloegr [England] and wresting it from the Cymry: the harbouring of strangers; the liberating of prisoners; and the present of the bald man. [Triad lxxix of the first series agrees with the above, Which, however, is not in the second series.—The first circumstance, mentioned here, must have been the invitation of the Saxons; but it does not appear, from any memorials now extant, what li¬ beration of prisoners could have been of so momentous a result. The present of the bald man Was, most probably, the encourage¬ ment given by the Pope, when St. Austin led the Saxons against the Welsh, and instigated the massacre of the monks of. Bangor Iscoed, in Flintshire, of which a notice appears in the 17th Num¬ ber of the Cambro-Briton, p. 218.] lxxxiv. The three men, who escaped from the battle of Cam- Ian: Morvran ab Tegid, in consequence of being so ugly, tnat every body, thinking him to be a demon out of hell, fled from him; Sandde Bryd Angel [Angel-Aspect], in consequence of be¬ ing so fine of form, so beautiful and fair, that no one raised a hand against him, as he was thought to be an angel from heaven j and Glewlwyd Gavaelvawr [Great-grasp], from his size and strength, so that none stood in his way, and everybody fled before him: that is, excepting those three men, none escaped from Camlan. [Triad lxxxv of the first series agrees with this, but without the concluding assertion, of none escaping besides those three. It is not in the second series. Sandde, here mentioned, was a * Arch, of Wales, vol. ii. p. 70. Tr. 82—95, VOL. n. ' 3d