' '*■• ' Hi'. THE APRIL, 1821. 11......| 'i ' ' ' , ■ Sgg 1 'I.....'" '■ '■-■'"■.....' li»"n 'I i 11 .. ii <m*m NULLI QTJIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBJJS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. CiGSRp de Legibus. —■——■mmih.ii. i i .......•MMmnwmm*Mmmtm>mimmm«mm>iv**M*~mmt»mmmmmi& THE TRIADS.—No. XVIII. TRIADS OF, THE ISLE OF BRITAIN*. lxxx. The three Gallant Retinues of the Isle of Britain: the retinue of Belyn, the son of Cynvelyn, in the warfare of Carad- awg, the son of Bran; and the retinue of Mynyddawg Eiddh}, in Cattraeth ; and the retinue of Drywon, the son of Nudd the Generous, in the expedition of Arderydd in the North: that is, every body went, in those retinues, at their own expense, with¬ out waiting for being summoned, and without demanding either pay or gift from the country or from the prince; and, therefore, they Were called the three, gallant retinues. [Triad Xxxvi of the first series is thus—The three Gap Reti¬ nues of the Isle of Britain: the retinue of Mynyddawg Eiddyn, in Cattraeth; and the retinue of Melyn, the son of Cynvelyn; and the retinue of Drywon, the son of Nudd, in Rhodwydd Ar¬ derydd. The second series is thus-—The three Gallant Retinues of the Isle of Britain: the retinue of Mynyddawg, in Cattraeth; and the retinue of Dreon Lew, in Rhodwydd Arderys; and the retinue of Belyn of Lleyn Erythlyn, in Rhos.—-The similarity between the words Adwy and Addwyn, Gap and Gallant, creates ah ambiguity here, which, however, is cleared by the comment in the text above, if it may be relied upon as of ancient autho¬ rity. The second series substitutes Belyn, who is noticed in Triad xxvii as a warrior of the sixth century, for Belyn, the son of Cynvelyn. Triad liv, previously translated, records the battle of Arderydd, A. D. 593, asone of the three frivolous battles f. It has beeil surmised, that the name of Arderydd is to be identified * Arch, of .Wales, vol. ii.>«1. Ir.79—81. f See No. 13. pVlO, for this Triad, and also No. 17. p* 218, intteiNofes,ISr a farther notice of the Battle of Arderydd. VOL. II. X X