THE CAMMMtMBMITtJM. NOVEMBER, 1820. NULLI QUIDEM MIHl SATIS ERUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. CiCBRO de Legibus. THE TRIADS.—No. XIII. TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN*. lviii. The three Overruling Counter-energies of the Isle of Britain. Hu the Mighty, leading the nation of the Cymry from the Summer country, which is called Defrobani, into the Isle of Britain; and Prydain, the son of Aedd the Great, establishing societyf and law over the Isle of Britain; and Rhitta Gawr, who made for himself a robe of the beards of kings, of whom he made slaves J, because of their oppression and lawlessness. [The path of the Cymry is marked out in the Triads as having been from the shores of the Euxine to Denmark; and the route was easy up the river Dnister, through Poland, to the sources of the Elbe, and down the latter river to its efflux. Ancient history, and the languages of the several people at this day, inhabiting the track so marked out, corroborate the Triads. For we identify the name of the Cymry in the Cimmerii of the Crimea, and in the Cimbri of the Cimbric Chersonesus, or Jutland. A comparison of the various dialects of the Sclavonic with the Welsh, will at once prove their affinity; but more especially the language spoken by the Wendi, in Lusatia, which has preserved its relationship to that of Wales so strongly, that the natives of both countries might almost converse together §. With respect to the first per- # Arch, of Wales, vol. ii, p. 67. Tr. 54-56. f The word in the original is Gwlad, a country. | The word Eillion means also shaved ones. Probably, this was the badge of slaves. § What led to the investigation of the affinity of the Welsh and the Wend- ish was an account given by a Prussian, that, in the seven years war of Frederick the Great, he and others were much surprised at seeing some Wendish soldiers talking to those, who were from England, but who, he was VOL. II. O