the CAMBMO-BMITOlsr. OCTOBER, 1820. NULLI QUIDEM MIHl SATIS EHUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. CiCERO de Legibus. THE TRIADS.—No. XII. TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN *. lv. The three Fatal Counsels of the Isle of Britain: permit¬ ting Iul Caisar [Julius Caesar] and the men of Rome to have place for the point of the hoofs of their horses in the cove of Min y Glas, in the Isle of Daned [Thanet] ; so that therefrom the Caisairians [Romans] got the opportunity to subdue the Isle of Britain, and to connect themselves with the treachery of Avar- wy, the son of Lludd: that is to say, such permission was given to the Caisairians, because the nation of the Cymry deemed it trifling to defend their country otherwise than through the might of arms, bravery, and courage of the country, where there was not the least idea of the treasonable plotting of Avarwy ab Lludd with the men of Rome. The second fatal counsel was the letting of Hors and Hengist and Rhonwen to come into the Isle of Britain, after they had been driven over sea to the country, from whence they originated. The third was the suffering of Arthur to divide his men with Medrawd three times, in the battle of Camlan; and from that Arthur lost the field and his life, where Medrawd was one with the Saxons. [In the first and second series of Triads, Arch, of Wales, vol. ii. p. 12, the foregoing Triad is thus : The Three Fatal Counsels of the Isle of Britain: giving to Iul Caisar and the men of Rome place for the fore-hoofs of their horses on the land in Pwyth Meinlas, or the Narrow Green Cove; the second, suffering Hors and Hengys and Rhonwen [White-Skirt] into this island; and the third, Arthur dividing his men three times with Medrawd, in •■* Arch, of Wales, vol. ii. p. 66. Tr. 51-53. Vol. n. h