THE CiMMO-BRITON. SEPTEMBER, 1820. NULLI QUIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBTJS nostra ignota sunt. " Cicero de Legibus. WELSH LANGUAGE. —-<^>~— ITS ORNAMENTAL PROPERTIES. AMONG the singular attributes of the Welsh tongue its extra¬ ordinary, and almost illimitable, faculty of giving new beauty and variety to its expression, by the aid of prefixes and other ad¬ juncts, is, perhaps, the most worthy of investigation. This power springs, undeniably, from that elementary character of the lan¬ guage, which has already been the subject of some inquiry in this work *, and which, as being obviously founded in the most na¬ tural principles, serves essentially to prove the purity and anti¬ quity of the Welsh tongue. If, indeed, we were not to come to this conclusion, we should be at a loss to account for these orna¬ mental properties, as belonging to the language of a people, who have never been distinguished by history for their proficiency in arts and sciences, and to whom, consequently, an artificial embel¬ lishment of their native speech to any great extent could not rea¬ sonably be ascribed. The bards, it is true, may have made some progress in this way; but even the bards; with all their poetical predilections, and with all their traditional lore, could never have raised such an edifice, if Nature herself had not laid the founda¬ tion f. These properties, therefore, must not only be considered as * See Vol. I. pp. 81 and 161, f It has been somewhere intimated, in the former part of this work, that the Welsh tongue owed much of its beauty to the cultivation, which it received under the Bardic Institution: and, in a qualified sense, this is cer¬ tainly correct. The language was, no doubt, essentially improved by the bards and the early poets; but, on the other side, it must always be remembered, that tliey. only wrought on materials, which they found ready to their VOL. II. B