. . T.tiE CAMBRO=BRITO^ AUGUST, 1820. NULLI QUIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITf VIDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. Cicero de Legibus. THE TRIADS —No. X. TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN *. XLIX. JLHE three Arrant Traitors, who were the cause, by means whereof the Saxons took the crown of the Isle of Britain from the Cymry. One was Gwrgi Garwlwyd, who, after getting a taste for the flesh of men in the court of Edelfied King of the Saxons, liked it so much, that he would eat nothing but human flesh ever after; and, therefore, he and his men united themselves with Edelfled King of the Saxons, so that he used to make secret incursions upon the nation of the Cymry, and took male and female of the young so many as he ate daily. And all the law¬ less men of the nation of the Cymry gathered to him and the Saxons, where they might obtain their full of prey and spoil, taken from the natives of this Isle. The second was Medrawd, who gave himself and his men to be one with the Saxons, for securing to himself the kingdom against Arthur; and by reason of that treachery great multitudes of the Loegrians became as Saxons. The third was Aeddan the Traitor, of the North, who gave himself and his men, within the limits of his dominions, to the Saxons, so as to be enabled to maintain themselves by confu¬ sion and anarchy, under the protection of the Saxons. And be¬ cause of those three Arrant Traitors the Cymry lost their land and their crown in Loegria: and, if it had not been for such trea¬ sons, the Saxons could not have gained the Island from the Cymry. [This Triad, and the one, that follows, contain the only notice, * Arch', ef WuTes, vol. ii p. 85. Tr. 4.5, 46. VOL. I. 3 h