THE CAMBRO-BRITON. JUNE, 1820. NULLi QUlDEM MIMI SATlS EUUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. Cicero de Legibus. THE TRIADS.—No. IX, TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN*. XLI. 1 HE three Arrant Drunkard-; of the Isle of Britain: Ceraint the Drunkard, King- of Essyllwg, who in his drunkenness burnt all the corn far and near over the face of the country, so that therefrom a famine came; second, Gwrtheyrn Gwrthenau, who gave the Isle of Daned [Thanet], in his drink, to Hors [Horsa], for permission to commit adultery with Rhonwen his daughter, when he gave claim also to the son, that thereby might be born, upon the crown of Lloegr, and added to that treason and plot¬ ting against the nation of the Cymry; third, Seithenyn the Drun¬ kard, the son of Seithyn Saidi, King of Dyved, who, in his drink, let the sea over the Cantrev y Gwaelawd, so that there were lost of houses and earth the whole that were there, where formerly were found sixteen fortified towns, superior to all the towns and cities of Wales, leaving as an exception Caer Llion upon Wysg: and Cantrev y Gwaelawd was the dominion of Gwyddnaw Garanhir, King of Ceredigion; and that event was in the time of Emrys Wledig; and the men who escaped from that inundation landed in Ardudwy, and the country of Arvon, and the mountains of Eryri, and other places not before in¬ habited. [We have no other memorials of this Ceraint. Essyllwg was, as before mentioned, another name for Siluria.—The treach¬ erous conduct of Gwrtheyrn or Vortigern, above detailed, has been already alluded tof.—In the Archaiology of Wales, vol. i. * Arch, of Wales, vol. ii, p. 64. Tr. 37—44. _ f See No. 6, p. 203. VOL. I. 3 A