THE CAMBRO-BRI.TON. FEBRUARY, 1820. NULLI QUICEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VlDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. Cicero de Legibus. THE TRIADS.—l\To. VC. TRIADS OF THE ISLE OF BRITAIN *. XXV. THE three Arrant Traitors of the Isle of Britain: Avanvy, the son of Lludd, the son of Beli the Great, who invited Iwl Cai- sar and the men of Rome into this island, and caused the oppres¬ sion of the Romans; that is, he and his men gave themselves as conductors to the men of Rome, receiving treasure of gold and silver from them every year. And in consequence it became a compulsion on the men of this island to pay three thousand o£ silver yearjy as a tribute to the men of Rome, until the time of Owain, the son of Macsen Wledig, when he refused that tribute; and, under pretence of being contented therewith, the men of Rome drew the best men of the Isle of Britain, capable of being made men of war, to the country of Aravia, and other far coun¬ tries, and they returned not back. And the men of Rome, that were in the Isle of Britain, went into Italy,rso that there were of them only women and little children left behind; and in that way the Britons were weakened, so that they were unable to resist oppression and conquest, for want of men and strength. The se¬ cond was Gwrtheyrn Gwrthenau, who, after killing Constantine the Blessed, and seizing the crown of the island, through treason and lawlessness, first invited the Saxons into this island, as his defenders, and married Alis Ronwen, the daughter of Hengist, and gave the crown of the island to the son he had by her, whose name was Gotta, and on that account it is that the kings of Lon¬ don are called children of Alis. Thus by the conduct of Gwrtheyrn * Arch, of Wales, vol. ii. p. 62, Tr. 21—<2S. VOL. i. 2d