• THE ■ CAMBfiO-BRITON', SEPTEIVIBER, 1819. NULLI QUIDEM MIHI SATIS ERUDITI VIDENTUR, QUIBUS NOSTRA IGNOTA SUNT. Cicero de Legibus. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. X HREE months have been brought to a close since my Propo¬ sals for the establishment of the Cambro-Briton were first made public. When I embraced this project it was not only without any communication with others, but with no fairer prospect of success than what might be supposed to result from the favourable spirit, by which our country appears at length to be animated. Relying upon so gratifying a change in our national character, I presumed to hope, that even this attempt might experience the benefit of it. For I concluded, and I trust rightly, that the general cause could not, in such a case, be separated from individual exertion, however humble and unobtrusive. The great ocean is fed as well by the noiseless stream as by the deep-sounding tor¬ rent. Nor have my anticipations been wholly unjustified by the event. The encouragement I have received *, if not an assurance of complete success, has been at least sufficient to urge me on in my career, with Hope still as my companion. In the Proposals, to which I have above adverted, it was not my intention, as I there intimated, to give more than a general outline of my projected work. Since that time a short Prospec¬ tus has been circulated, communicating more explicitly the main objects of the undertaking. But, as the work itself may fall into the hands of those, who have not seen either, it becomes now my duty to enter into a particular disclosure of my plan, not¬ withstanding that the present Number may be considered, in some respects, as a specimen of those to succeed it. Yet, as * The liberal patronage of the Gwyneddigion Society, both collec¬ tively and individually, deserves on this occasion my most grateful ac- knowlegement, VOL. I. B