THE CAMBRIAN YISITOft* • ' ■ = = .••'•/' • t-* APRIL, 1813. ,„..,............../' ' ••■ ' ■' "^ HISTORY OF WALES;. Continued from p. 120.' CHAP. I. SECT. IV. Improvements in the habitations of (he Britons—'Their tozcits-^ Love of War—Occupations of theif women—Education of their children. Wi HEN Caesar invaded our islsndj he found the inhabitant* provided with houses, which, he says, " Very much resembled those of Gaul."* Their first effort in architectural improvement was probably the addition of tempered clay to the wattled walls of their tenements : this, by filling up the interstices, contributed to their comfort, making- them weather-pro6f, and excluding reptiles, which \ie may suppose would often intrude upon then* when the access was so open hi all directions. The idea of neat* sess also evidently assisted in introducing this practice, or soon be* vol. i. rj ■yggr.f: Df Tft!* G*l U J&