TIM ClMKl^tf VISITER WOi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2? Viiiniiii"» Tf.t Z7ii\, ; .■, i'm>.-.,'; i ,)• ---------------------------- ■; / : - ' ' ir r ,'',*■} HISTORY OF WALES, CHAP. I: SECT. Ill: Strength and activity of the Britons-—Their longevity —Mental qUalifications^-Terripef—-Their habita¬ tions. f- ' . , fjrREAT vigour and elasticity of body, in the Bri¬ tons, were the natural concomitants of a frame hardened by exposure, and limbs which having never felt a liga¬ ture, were utterly unencumbered in every motion. A brisk circulation of the fluids, and a perfect freedom of respiration, were maintained by the robust exercises to which they were accustomed from early youth, and their rest was not the stagnating indulgence of sloth, but the wholesome repose of fatigue. In running,* wrestling, * Th6 swiftness, of foot, which was, a characteristic of the Ancient Britons is retained in Wales at this day in great perfection by youths who hare been brought up without any confinement of their feet, or ligatures at their knees. The easy velocity with which a haked-legged vol.1. p Welch