THE CAMBRIAN VISITOR. SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1813. HISTORY OF WALES, CHAP. Iv SECTION L Reflections on the common Origin of all Nations.^- Britain supposed to be first colonized by ike Gauls, $c.—Uncertainty of British History before the Invasion.—Loss of Records.*—Early Divisions of Wales-—Derivations. J^foTHlNG short of the ennoblmg principles which are the peculiar glory of Christianity, is so well calcu¬ lated to enlarge our minds, to convert prejudice to libe-t rality, and hatred to benevolence, as a serious recur¬ rence to the origin of nations. However difficult it may be to determine by whose means any particular country Was first populated, we consider ourselves certain that mankind sprang Originally from one stock: we ought therefore to reflect, that however a long series of mutable ages may have multiplied, divided, and scat¬ tered our race, we are still but one great family, under -the common protection of an Universal Parent, the Cre¬ ator of the first man, and the Artificer of the world. VOL. l « 6