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. I • THE CAMBRIAN VISITOR, SATURDAY, JAN. 16th, 1813. INTRODUCTORY ADDRES& WHEN a Work, avowedly treating upon a given subject, is sent abroad into the World3 the book carries With it its own credentials. A man examines its table of contents) reads its preface^ or scans a few of its pages,, and quickly discovers if the matter be likely to interest him, if the sentiments of the writer concur with his own* or if his style be such as may induce him to read on. But a miscellaneous Work, presented to the reader in distinct portions, Which may possibly vary in their merits as much as in their matter, cannot be thus im¬ mediately appreciated. In one part he may find not a little calculated to please, in another much to offend. This month he may be delighted ; the next he may be disgusted or fatigued. How then will the purchaser of such a work obtain even probable security that he will iiot be deceived ?--There appears to be Only one way, and that is by becoming acquainted with the principles of the conductors, and by being assured that according to the tenor of those principles, the compilation will be steadily regulated. This will at least ensure him some satisfaction, if he approve of the principles :—if he do not, the work asserts no claim on his attention. vol. i. b