Gonourable Societp of Cpmmroborion Literature, Science, and Art as connected with Wales. His Grace The ARCHBISHOP OF WALES, D.D. The Right Honourable The EARL OF PLYMOUTH. The Right Honourable The EARL OF LISBURNE The Right Honourable Viscount SAKKEY. The Right Honourable Viscount TREDEGAR. The Right Honourable LORD ABERDARE. The Right Honourable LORD ATKIN OF ABER- DOVEY, F.B.A. The Right Honourable LORD Boston. The Right Honourable LORD CLWYD. The Right Honourable LORD DAVIES OF LLAN- DINAM. The Right Honourable LORD DYNEVOR. The Right Honourable Lord MOSTYN. The Right Rev. The LORD BISHOP or LLANDAFF. The Right Rev. The Lord BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. The Right Rev. The LORD Bishop OF ST. David's. The Right Rev. The LORD Bishop OF MONMOUTH. The Right Rev. Dr. WATKIN WILLIAMS (formerly Bishop of Bangor). The Right Rev. FRANCIS MOSTYN, D.D., Arch- bishop of Cardiff. The Right Honourable Sir John ELDON BANKES, G.C.B. Rev. G. HARTWELL JONES, M.A., D.D., D.LITT., F.S.A. (Chairman). Dr. H. IDRIS BELL, O.B.E., F.B.A., D.LITT. J. L. C. CECIL-WILLIAMS, Secretary). T. Huws DAVIES. D. OWEN EVANS, M.P. ERNEST EVANS, M.P. Principal IFOR L. EVANS, M.A. L. N. VINCENT EVANS. LL. WYN GRIFFITH (Hon. Editor). D. R. HVGHES. Mrs. A. J. HUGHES-GRIFFITHS. EDWARD JAMES. HOWELL E. JAMES, B.A. J. M. JENKINS. The Society's Library is now at THE WESTMINSTER CITY LIBRARY, ST. MARTIN'S STREET, The Society's publications may be obtained from THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES PRESS BOARD, CARDIFF, or from any bookseller. THE FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF FOUNDED 1751. patron HIS MAJESTY THE KING. presipent: The Right Honourable LORD HOWARD DE WALDEN. Dire-presipents The Right Honourable D. LLOYD GEORGE O.M., M.P. Sir ROBERT ARMSTRONG-JONES, M.D., F.R.C.P. J.P., D.L., F.S.A. Sir W. GOSCOMBE JOHN, R.A., LL.D. Sir EVAN D. JONES, BART., LL.d. Sir J. E. LLOYD, F.B.A., D.LITT. Sir EDWARD ABBOTT PARRY. Sir D. LLEUFER THOMAS, M.A., LL.D. Sir HOWELL J. WILLIAMS, D.L., j.p. Sir WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, Bart. Miss GWENDOLINE E. DAVIES. PEPYAT W. EVANS, Esq., B.C.L., M.A. AUGUSTUS JOHN, Esq., R.A., P.R.C.A., LL.D. Rev. J. D. JONES, C.H., M.A., D.D. Professor T. GWYNN JONES, C.B.E., M.A. Rev. H. ELVET LEWIS, M.A., D.D. HENRY G. LEWIS, Esq., LL.D., J.P. T. E. MORRIS, Esq., M.A., LL.M. EDWARD OWEN, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. J. ARTHUR PRICE, Esq., M.A. ERNEST RHYS, Esq. Miss MYVANWY RHYS, M.A. R. ARTHUR ROBERTS, Esq., F.R.HIST.S. PHILIP WILLIAMS, Esq., O.B.E. Council R. T. JENKINS, M.A. T D SLINGSBY-JENKINS, J.P. (Hon Treasurer). A R JONES, J. CHARLES JONES (Hon. Librarian). R. O. JONES. THOMAS JONES, C.H., M.A., LL.D. R. HOPKIN MORRIS. Rev. D. S. OWEN, B.A. D. HUGHES PARRY, M.A., LL.M. T. H. PARRY-WILLIAMS, M.A. Mrs. D. RHYS-ROBERTS. ROBERT RICHARDS, B.A., M.P. D. ROWLAND THOMAS, K.C. W. JENKYN THOMAS, M.A. W. P. WHELDON, D.S.O., M.A. LL.B. JOHN I. WILLIAMS, M.A., LL.B. Bortorarg Anbitors JOHN M. JENKINS and R. O. JONES. Ronorarp Secretarg: J. L. C. CECIL-WILLIAMS, M.A., LL.B. LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.2.