assistant tutor at Trinity College he was elected Fellow 1st October, 1781, proceeded to M.A., 1782, and in October, 1787, was appointed tutor, an office -which he held till his death in London, 18th July, 1807. Jones was elected F.R.S. in 1800. He was buried in the burial-ground of Dulwich College, and a bust and tablet to his memory were placed in the ante-chapel of Trinity College. Jones' reputation as a mathematical tutor was very high, and his lectures were notable for their clearness and methodical arrangement, but the number of his pupils overtaxed his strength. He only published a Sermon on Duelling (on Exodus xx, 13) (Cambridge, 1792, 4to), preached 11th December, 1791, as a warn- ing to the younger members of the University soon after a fatal duel had taken place in the neighbourhood. Source D.N.B. 41. PROF. THOMAS JONES, F.R.C.S. (1848-1900). Professor Thomas Jones, one of the first to set up as a pure consulting and operating surgeon in Manchester, was the son of David Jones of Derlwyn, Carmarthen- shire. He was educated at Derlwyn College (founded by his father), the Normal College, Swansea, and at the Northern Hospital, Liverpool. He graduated at the University of London. Jones started in practice at Manchester in 1873, and soon devoted himself entirely to consulting work. In 1880 he was appointed Lecturer in Practical and Operative Surgery at Owens College, and in 1890 he was elected Professor of Systematic Surgery in con- nexion with the Victoria University. When the Welsh Hospital (vide under Prof. A. W. Hughes) was despatched to South Africa, Jones yielded to the pressure which was brought to bear