stock of materials towards completing a Welsh Dictionary, collected by the late Mr. Moses Williams, Mr Baxter and others, all of which he had likewised promised to lend me when occasion should offer to make use of them. He and I were born the next door to one another, in the Isle of Anglesey: my father and he were born in the same year. He always expressed himself with such sincere friendship, and seemed to have such a particular regard for me, that I had some reason to hope that I should have been heir to his Welsh Manuscripts. Now I am informed that he has bequeathed them all to your Lordship, with a particular request (as my Lord of Bangor told me) not to communicate them to any person whatever; a most extraordinary injunction! which one would hardly think could proceed from a sound understanding, as the depriving the world of the benefit that might accrue from publishing such a valuable collection, must have been inconsistent with the character of so good and ingenious a man. And it is still harder upon me, as I bestowed a Great deal of time and labour on the said books without the least recompence. I humbly hope your Lordship will therefore favour me with the loan of some of the said MSS. as I may have occasion to peruse them, agreeable to the repeated promises made by me by Mr Jones, of which I am willing to make affidavit if required. I have the honour to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient humble Servant RICHARD MORRIS. 124 LEWIS MORRIS TO WILLIAM VAUGHAN (draft) ESGAIR Y MWYN MINE, Novr 14, 1754. WORTHY SIR, I own it is an odd thing to see a Cymro write to a Cymro in a foreign Language, Especially to Pen y Cymrodorion. It is not