1 Cumnrartmr VOL. XLV. "CARED DOETH YR ENCILION." 1938 THE MORAVIAN BRETHREN IN NORTH WALES An Episode in the Religious History of Wales. By R. T. JENKINS. 1. Introduction. A. THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN. THE MORAVIAN BRETHREN* may be succinctly described as pre-Reformation Protestants. The designation "Moravian" is only partially accurate it would be more correct to describe them, in their early period, as "The Bohemian Brethren." Their origins go back to the movement led by John Huss (d. 1415). After his death, statesmanlike concessions by the Papacy satisfied the bulk of his followers but an irreconcilable section remained. This body called itself in 1457 "The Community (or Church) of the Brethren," and the Latin trans- lation (Unitas Fratrum) of this title is still in official use. The Brethren rejected the Papacy, and though they retained Episcopacy their church government was what we should call Presbyterian their creed and worship approximated to those of the post-Reformation "Reformed" Churches. When the This essay originally opened with what is now Section B. of the present chapter. The Editor suggested to me that readers might care to have a summary account of the Brethren in general, and accordingly I have prefixed this section to the rest. The reader will, I hope, pardon a certain amount of duplication-the essay and its footnotes were already in type before the present section was written, and it seemed hardly worth while to make the alterations which would have been needed.