Zfyt Tttynn (paper* (1515*l690V A RESUME AND AN APPRECIATION. By Miss MARJORIE FOLJAMBE HALL, F.R.Hist.S. THE historical value and national interest of the Wynn Papers, promised by the belated publication, in 1770, of Sir John Wynn's History of the Gwydir Family has been confirmed in recent years by the scholarly researches of Professor Caroline Skeel. But the full extent of these resources would not have been revealed to historical students, had it not been for the generous assistance of the first two Presidents of the National Library of Wales, and the intelligent direction of its first librarian. The instructive account of the vicissitudes of the Gwydir muniments given in the official Introduction to the Calendar of the Wynn Papers, shows very clearly the danger that is incurred by placing private archives at the disposal of local antiquaries or other privileged persons, though unfortunately the lesson is not easily learnt. The historical interest of this collection is of a varied nature. Perhaps its contributions to the political history of the realm will seem most important in respect of refer- ences to the machinery of local government, which has only received adequate attention during the period of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Webb's scholarly activities. Important also are the various data supplied for the information of students of economic and social history, in connection with which students may be reminded of the remarkable series of Household Accounts of Sir Henry 1 Calendar of Wynn (of Gwydir) Papers, 1519-1690, in the National Library of Wales and Elsewhere. 1926.