This oblong is a fabulous addition ? d. ? d. d. (The Virgin) Maria (1) d. Anna (1) Beli 'magnus' (1) f Aballac(l, 10) Eugein (1) Brithguein (1) For discarded doublets see p. 66.*{ Dubun (1) Amguerit (1) Dnmn (1) Doli (Docil?)(l) lCein(l) Tacit (1) Patera Pesrut (1) mern(l) Cuneda[g] (1,17,18,32) Constantius (2)=Helen Luitdauc (2) | ('Lvic dauc') Constantinus Magnus (2) Constans (2) Eliud (2) Protector (2) Maxim guletic (2, 4) t ? Cloitguin Dimet (2) (' Gloitguin') Clotri (2) < Typipaun' {32) (? Tybiriaun) Meriann (18,32) Catgualatr (18) (•'Gatgulart') Guurgint Barmbtruch (18) » Gueithno (18) (' Gueinoth') ludris (18) f 632 Sualda (18) 2 Brocmail (18) t 662 ? Egeniud (18) Iutnimet (18) 1 Brocmail (18) 2 [C]inan (18) t 854 ? (1) After this is omitted Glit- noth as a doublet: see Phillimore's note. (2) These names suggest pre¬ vious intermarriage with the Powis kings of 27. Osmail(32) Rumaun (32) Dunaut'(17, 32) Ceretic (26, 32) 'Ebiau'n (17) Iusay (26) Dinacat(17) Serguil (26) Abloyc (32) Enniaun Girt (1,3, 32) Catgolaun Lauhir (!) Eugein Dantguin (3) ('Iauhir') Mailcun (1) t c. 548 Cinglas (3) Docmail (32) Etern (32) \_Elno] Glast'(25) Mouric (17) Bodgu (26) Run(l) [Ennianus] Meic (3) Ebiau'n (17) lArthbodgu (26) 1-Beli(l) Cangan (3) [Elud] [Elaedl Mormayl (25) Morgen (25) Triphun (2) Aircol (2) Guotepir (2) (' Guortepir') Cincar (2) Petr (2) Arthur (2) Nougoy (2, 15) Isaac (17) Popgen (17) Popdelgu (1/) 'Ebiau'n (17) iBrochraaiU^) Eiciavm (17) Iouanaul (17) Caratauc (17) Bleydiud (17) [C]uhelin (17) (' Cuhelm') (1) This name sug¬ gests previous in termarriage with Powis (27) or Mer¬ ioneth (18). Artgloys (2&) Clitauc (26) Seisill (26) Arthgen(26)t807 Dumnguallaun (26) MourU (26) t 849- [G]nocaun (26) fll This name suggests that his mother was a daughter of Arthur of the neighbouring royal houseofDyfed(2). Tho now accepting the Artor- ius derivation, I am satis¬ fied that Gildas (whether or not satirically) treats Arthur as = Arthur, ' bear-man,' or ' bear- male' = Ursus. Iac'ob(l)f613 Catman(l)t616 Catgual Crisban (3) Ytigoy (3) Catgollaun (1) f 631 Enniaun (3) Catgualatr (1) 1660 ? Rumaun (3) ('Catgualart') lutguaul (1) Meriaun (3) Rotri (1) + 754 Caratauc (3) t 798 Cinnan (1) f 814-6 [H]iguel (3) t 825 (1. Etthil (1)=2 Mermin (1) t 838-44 (wrongly called her son) Rotri (l)t 873-7 3 Catell (1) t 909 4 [HJiguel (1) 950 [ [Mtyruc] Botan (25) Cathen (2, 15) Catgocaun (2) Regin (2) Teudos (2) Margetiut (2, 13, 14) t 796 ™ ' o./o^ OT^P^d(15) Teudos(15) Cloten (2) l? d. Sanant (15)= Morcant (2o) x ' I Mor Hen (25) ('Morhen') Moriutned (25) Merguid (25) Catmor (25) Catgur (25) j r ™ I nr. Regin(13,14) Iudon (14) Onein (I, 2, 14) f 811 Morgen (25) | 808 | rn J +i /om I d. Tancoystl (2) [Iludnerth (25) [TJriphun (13) f 814 (< Tancoyslt') Himeyt (2) Loumarc (2) (' loumarc') Elen (2) f 943 The dotted parallelogram is corrupt: nor does it give Triphun s real male descent, see p. 82. Selemiaun (27) Anthun (4) (?) Eidinet (4) Tutagual (4) Dinacat (4) Senill (4) Neithon (4) Run (4) Tutagual (4) Anthec (4) Mermin (4) Anaraut (4) ('Anarant') Tutagual (4) [l]udgual (4) Catell (23, 27) Durnluc (27, but 'Dunlurc') (who flourished c. 450) Cattegirn (22, 23, 27) Brittu (23) Pascent (27) Eudelen (10) Eudos (10) Eliud (10) CEbiud') 'Outigir'n (10) Oudecant (10) Ritigirn (10) Iumetel (10) Grat (10) Urban (10) Telpuil (10) 1 Tehvant (10) ('Teuhant') Maucann (22, 27) ^'Maucanu', 'Maucant') Canuiir (23) Millo (23) Cinnin (23) Cincen (22, 27) Elbodgu (23) | Brocmayl (22, 27) I | Gurhaiernn (23) ('Gurhaiernu') Cinan (22, 27) Coyl Hen2 Guotepauc (8, 9, 10, 11, V^ Ceneii (9, 11, 12) 1Gurgust Letlum (8, 12) MasguitClofaut(9) Pappo Post Priten (11 ('Masguic Clop') [ 19) [?H1]esselis(23) (1) See Sir J. Rhys on p. 54 of this vol. Eliud (27) Eli (27) =Guilauc (27) Elizet (15, 27, 31) Brocmayl (27) Catel (27) t 808 [S]elim (22) t 613 Eleut'her Cascord Maur (12) Merchiaun (8) ('Merchianu') G]urci(12) pereter(12)( Cinmarc (8) [U]rbgen (8) (1) 8 makes him Coyl's son. Laenauc (9) [GJuallauc (9) t580 [D]unaut (11) t595 8**** Penisael (19) Guitoun (19) [Cj^guallaun Liu (19) (1) After this, Tecmant is °milted/^f^the see p. 87. The name suggests descent in female line from the Tehvant of 16. . fa it (2) Only 10 has Guotepauc-an epithet wmcu converts into Coyl's father! Garbaniaiin (10) (' Garbaniaun') Dumngual Moilmut (10) ('Dugual') i Bran Hen (10) Cincar (10) Morcant Bulc (10) Coledauc (10) [M]orcant (10) t 66;" ? Per (5) Confer (5) Cursalerc (5) Cluim (5) Cinhil (5) Cynloyp (5) Ceritic guletic (5) Cinuit (5) Dumngual Hen (5, 6, 7) (5, 7, Dugual, 6 Dumgual; i Guithno (5) ('Guipno') Neithon (5) Beli (5) Eugein (5) Elfin (5) Beli (5) t 720-2 Clinoch (6) Tutagual (6) [R]iderch Hen (6) Cinbeliw. (7) ('Cinbelim') [C]linocEitin(7) C[C]linog') Loudogu (21) 1 [MJeriaun (21) (1) This name sug¬ gests a connexion with the Cunedag lines. [d. Nest, m. of Cinen (27, 31) Mermin (1)] t 850 1 Grippi[ud] 301814-5 [E]li'zed (30, 31) 2 loab (31) ^Edan (31) ._ .. /.k «*w\ Teudebur (5) t 750 (1) By inserting 'map' after • braut 'brother) 10 makes Bran Hen son of Cincar Braut! I Duwmagual (o) t 7o/-60 Eugein (5) Riderch (5) Dumnagual.(5) Arthgal (5) [R]un (5) Ecrin (24) Ermic (24) Cerennior (24) Carantmail (24) ('Carantinail') Guitgen (24) 1 Iouab (24) »[8]eHm {24) Teudubric (28) 1 \ Mouric] A troys (28) Morcant (28, -9) Bodug (24) Iudhail (28, 29) Femmail(28)'t"775 Ris (ggj I i Atroys (28) Artmail (2D) 1 iudhail (2*8) I III [M]aun (30) Artan (30) 2 Iouab (30) Meic (30) (1) The combination (1) Added on Mr. of these names sug- Phillimore's author- gests a connexion witn ity. the Powis dynasty (22, 27, 30, 31). ^louvic (;2lJ) Blrocmail (29) (1) An omission of three generations in the MS. makes Giippiud appear the son of Elizet. (2) One of these was probably progenitor (in the female line) of the Iouab and Selimof24. (1) The tables give Kun as his father, but Geoffrey of Mon¬ mouth (no doubt rightly) Bnnianus. (2) See p. 68. He was son of Nest, of the royal house of P°wis. „ . ,,. (3) Tfce name is due to the above Powis alliance ; see 27. (4) This name suggests descent (in the female line) from the Higuel of 3 [OJu'ein (l,2)t962-6 (1) See Phillimore's note. 15 makes her not the daughter but the wife of Nougoy, and not the wife of Guilauc but the daugh¬ ter of his son Elizet. A preceding list of Roman Emperors is not part of the genealogy: see pp. 93-4- i Tehvant (16) ('Teuhant') Cinbelm (16) Caratauc (16) Guidgen (16) Lou Hen (16) (< Louhen') Cinis Scaplaut (16) Decion (16) Catel (16) Catleii (16) Letatt (16) Serguaw (16) Caurtam (16) Caten (16) Neithon (16) [R]un (16) (1) Probably an ances¬ tor (in the female line) of the Tehvant of 10. Brecliiaul (20) 1 Mor (20) - Md-An (20) 1 Moriud (20) [IJmor (20) (1) Do these names point to a connexion with the line of Glast (25) ? (2) This name sug¬ gests a descendant, or an ancestor on the fe¬ male side, of iEdan of Powis (31).