apparent liberality of James II. The circumstances had changed consider- ably in a few short months. When the Duke of Beaufort drew up a list in February 1688 of Puritans who might be prepared to co-operate with the King, the leaders of Brecknock Dissent were mentioned by him. Charles Lloyd, William Watkins, Lewis Jones "of Tallin" and Samuell Prichard were the suggestions for the county, and Thomas Gwyn was in the final list.271 But nothing came of all this. Instead James II soon found himself in very deep waters over his second Declaration. The country rose against him. His son-in-law William landed at Torbay on 5 November 1688 and James fled into exile. At last the Act of Toleration was passed and it allowed Dissenters freedom to worship on condition that their meeting-places be licensed and that their preachers also take out a licence.272 It was on 16 July 1689 that Lewis Jones of Llech-faen-cousin of Jenkin Jones of Llanddetty273- made the first request at the Quarter Session for licences. The places licensed were as follows The house of Phillip William of Rhose in the parish of Talgarth. The house of Thomas Watkin, Hillins in the parish of Talgarth. The house of Ann Williams of Glywdy in the parish of St. John Evangelist, Brecon. The house of "the Relict of David Wms," parish of Llanvigan. The house of James Thomas of Llanavanvawre. The house of William Jenkins at Crickadame. The house of Thomas Gwyne of Pant y Cored. The house of Lewis Jones, gent. [Llechfaen, Llangasty]. The house of Lewis Prytherch at Llangunider. The house of Lewis William of Llandetty. The house of Watkin William of Gwenthor. The house of Alice Parry in Gwenthwr. The house of William Prosser in Llywell.274 At the same time the Order Book records that the teachers that will "preach and teach in the respective places aforesaid" will be Rice Prythe- rich, David Richard, Samuell Weaver, Samuell Jones, David Jones, Hugh Owens, Morris Griffith and David William Probert.275 871 Dr. Richards, "Declarasiwn 1687," op. cit., 46, 41. For the provisions of the Act and its working, v., Thomas Richards, Piwritaniaeth a Pholitics (Wrecsam, 1927). 273 Jones, 429. Idris Davies (Cojiadur, 1946, 46) makes Lewis the nephew of Jenkin. 874 Proper names as in the Order Book. 176 Order Book, 1685-1713, f. 41.