DEAN CONYBEARE, GEOLOGIST. By F. J. NORTH, D.Sc., F.G.S. PAGE 1. Introduction 15 2. Early Days 16 3. Excursions with Buckland and Sedgwick 20 4. Work upon fossil reptiles 25 5. Correspondence with de la Beche 32 6. A Text-book, Outlines of Geology 35 7. New interests and a set-back 38 8. With the British Association, and some enquiries into Mountain Building 41 9. Uniformitarianism and a discussion with Lyell 46 10. Coalfield studies 49 11. The work of Rivers and the Glacial Theory 56 12. Life at Sully and at Axminster 62 13. Conybeare's place in British Geology 66 1. INTRODUCTION. William Daniel Conybeare was Rector of Sully from 1822 to 1836 and Dean of Llandaff from 1845 to 1857; he was one -of the band of pioneers that, in the early days of last century, helped to raise the study of rocks and fossils into the science of Geology; he was one of the first to study the structure of the South Wales Coalfield, and he helped to lay the found- ation of our knowledge of marine fossil reptiles, especially the long-necked Plesiosaurs that are, from time to time, invoked as the ancestors of aquatic monsters of doubtful type and still more doubtful existence.