JOHN STUART CORBETT. By JOHN Ballinger, C.B.E. Mr. Corbett was a fine example of those quiet men of marked ability and charm, who pass through life doing such work as falls to their lot with rare efficiency, and occupy themselves with pursuits which increase the sum of knowledge or add to the happiness and well-being of their generation. Like many men of that type his life was uneventful. He never thought that he, as an individual, was of any special importance, his personality never reached the public eye, his contributions to knowledge were made almost in silence, only the very few who came into close relations with him knew what a great mind and generous nature lay behind that shyness which characterised him. It was my privilege to be admitted to the inner circle soon after he became solicitor to the Bute Estate (1890), in succession to his brother, Mr. James Andrew Corbett, whose untimely death deprived Cardiff of one of its devoted citizens. The two brothers were very much alike in many ways, for James Andrew Corbett also took a keen interest in local history and archaeology, was never satisfied with a mere acceptance of printed or any other source for any statement, but searched out and verified always, and, what is equally important, reconsidered conclusions when fresh evidence became available. It was this scholarly care which makes the edition of Rice Merrick's Booke of Glamorganshire's Antiquities (written in 1578), printed in 1887 with an introduction and notes by him, so valuable as a contribution to local history. During