THE MINERALS OF GLAMORGAN. By F. J. NORTH, B.Sc., F.G.S. Geological Department, National Museum of Wales. (Read before the Biological and Geological Section on May nth, 1916. CONTENTS. I. Introduction. II. An enumeration of the minerals which have been recorded from Glamorgan, and an account of their distribution. III. Summary. IV. Bibliography. I. INTRODUCTION. Apart from its coal, which in a geological sense is a rock rather than a mineral, and is therefore outside the scope of the present paper, Glamorgan does not figure very prominently as a mineral producing County. The iron bearing minerals haematite and limonite were formerly worked on a large scale in a few localities, but the old workings have been abandoned for many years, and only one mine is. now producing ore; while the impure form of chalybite known as clay ironstone which was at one time the principal source of iron in this Country, has long since fallen into disuse. The other minerals that occur in the County are not abundant, neither do they command attention because of their economic value, or their crystalline form, and, as a result, while the local animals and