ON A BORING FOR WATER AT ROATH, CARDIFF; WITH A NOTE ON THE UNDER- GROUND STRUCTURE OF THE PRE- TRIASSIC ROCKS OF THE VICINITY. By F. J. NORTH, B.Sc., F.G.S., Geological Department, National Museum of Wales. (Read before the Biological and Geological Section on December 2nd, 1915.) CONTENTS. I. Introduction. II. Section of the borehole. III. Description of the core. IV. List of fossils from the Silurian (Ludlow) rocks traversed by the boring. V. The southern boundary of the Cardiff-Rumney Silurian inlier. VI. Note on the underground structure of the pre- Triassic rocks of the vicinity. VII. Bibliography. I. INTRODUCTION.! The importance of carefully recording the evidence, and if possible, preserving specimens from deep borings cannot be over-estimated, for the light thus thrown upon the nature and succession of the strata beneath the surface may be of the utmost value in unravelling the geological structure of a district. In many cases only the workmen's charts are available and these, although answering the purpose for which they are intended, are, unfortunately, often of little value to the geologist. (t) A preliminary account of the boring appeared in the Geological Magazine," Sept., 1915, pp. 385-7.