SOCIETY'S CIRCULAR TO SCHOOL TEACHERS ON THE PRESERVATION OF NATIVE PLANTS. DEAR SIR, OR MADAM, The British Association for the advancement of Science has called the attention of the Cardiff Naturalists' Society, by Circular, to the advisability of taking measures for the protec- tion of the rarer wild plants of this district. It is within the knowledge of our Society that plants, which a few years ago were quite common, have now become rare, especially in the neighbourhood of the larger towns. In some cases, rare and interesting plants have been carelessly exter- minated. The Society would suggest to you that the Schools, through the medium of the teachers and pupils, may do excellent work in checking, if not in stopping altogether, this process of denudation. Our Society especially desires that the teaching of Botany should be regulated in such a way as to hinder rather than help in this process. The following recommendations are definitely submitted to you for your consideration, and if you think fit, for adoption in the School under your charge i. — That pupils should not, while under supervision, be allowed to uproot uncommon plants. 2.-That the search for rarities should be discouraged as being practically of no educational value. 3.­-That demonstrations involving the collection and destruction of whole plants should be carried out only on the common species. 4.~­That where rarities are discovered and become generally known, special attempts should be made to protect them, and help them to maintain themselves in their habitats. The Secretary will be pleased to hear from you whether you are prepared to help in the preservation of our wild plants, and if so, what means you propose to adopt for that purpose. Signed on behalf of the Society. E. H. GRIFFITHS, President. 2, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, WILLIAM SHEEN, CARDIFF, May, 1906. Hon. Secretary.