Gwent Local History Council The cost of membership is £ 7.50 per year for individuals and £ 12 for organisations. The Council publishes Gwent Local History twice a year, in spring and autumn. A day school is arranged annually by the Council. For details of membership, back issues of the journal and any other of the Council's activities contact the Secretary, Gwent Local History Council, 8 Pentonville, Newport, Gwent. NP9 5XH. Notes for contributors Articles should be typed, double-spaced on A4 paper and have a wide left hand margin. All pages should be numbered. Footnotes will be printed at the end of each article. They should be numbered consecutively, typed on a separate sheet and attached to the typescript of the article. Once an article has been accepted for publication it may be sent to the editor in disk form so long as an up-to-date hard copy of text is also submitted. Where material is submitted on disk the software should be specified. The editor will be happy to discuss ideas or proposals for articles with potential contributors.