lecturer and barrister. 7 The Cambrian, 5 June 1885 8 Western Mail, 12 August 1885 9 There were only six three-corned contests in Wales (excluding Merthyr Tydfil which elected 2 MPs) between 1885 and 1918, three of which were in the Swansea area Swansea District 1895, Gower 1906, Swansea Town January 1910, East Carmarthenshire, East Glamorgan and South Glamorgan in December 1910. 10 John Henry Vivian, Born Truro 1786. MP Swansea 1822-55. Died Swansea 1855. 11 Cambria Daily Leader, 14 October 1926 12 The Cambrian, 5 June 1885 13 Cornelius Marshall Warmington QC (1842-1908) MP for West Mon. 1885-95. (Warmington stood down in 1895 in favour of Sir William Harcourt, who lost his seat at Derby. Warmington received a baronetcy in 1908. 14 South Wales Gazette, 15 July 1892 15 Western Mail, 12 August 1885, reported on a meeting between Meredyth and representatives of the Temperance Party: 'We understand that Mr Meredyth in reply to the questions made no definite statement but expressed himself in favour of giving fair play to all classes of the community'. 16 The Cambrian, 29 May 1885 17 South Wales Gazette, 15 April 1892 18 op.cit 19 Kenneth O. Morgan, Modem Wales, Politics, Places and People, (Cardiff, 1995), 234 footnote.