important work Gnosticism: Belief and Practices; and posthumously, in June 2001, a volume entitled Christian Theology. He also wrote The Spiritual Tradition. Both books were published by the Sussex Academic Press. Dr Harris died during June after a lifelong commitment to the Christian cause. At the time of writing, Hanover still holds regular services although the congregation is severely diminished a malaise that has affected so many churches in the United Kingdom during the past forty years. One can but hope and pray that men and women of the calibre and good sense of some of Hanover's ministers over the centuries can again appear to provide leadership and that others with the sense of enterprise for the Gospel, like Robert Jermain Thomas, will also be forthcoming. It may also be that the frequent visitors from the Korean churches may, one day, provide an inspiration for churches and communites to rediscover and share their faith. The Author: Herbert Hughes is a minister of the Union of Welsh Independents and a retired college lecturer living at Llanddew, Brecon. He served as apart-time minister of the United Reformed Church at Castle Street, Abergavenny for five years. He is the author of a number of books including a History of Epynt 'An Uprooted Community'. He is researching the life of the evangelist Howell Harris at the moment with a view to publishing a 'faction' about him. Notes The Ph.D. dissertation by Dr Goh on which many of the details concerning Robert Jermain Thomas's life and death are based was entered at Birmingham University (Department of Theology) in 1995. 1 Joseph Bradney, A History of Monmouthshire Vol. 1. Part 2b. p.395 (1992). 2 'Dyddlyfr Philip Dafydd', Y Cofiadur (Mai 1975) Rhif 40. (Philip Dafydd's Diary). 3 'Dyddlyfr Philip Dafydd', Y Cofiadur (1959; 1961; 1975). 4 J. Glyndwr Harris, Celebrating 350 Years of Worship at Hanover: Hanover Chapel (n.d. but probably 1994). 5 Thomas Rees, History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales (London 1861). 6 Gol. T. Stephens, Album Aberhonddu (Merthyr Tydfil 1898). 7 Thomas Rees & J. Thomas, Hanes Eglwysi Annibynol Cymru (Liverpool 1871). 8 Y Diwygiwr (Chwefror [February] 1866). 9 Han Gyu Mu., 'The General Sherman Incident of 1866 and Rev. Thomas Martyrdom'. An Internet Article (2004).