September 1706, The affidavits of John Prince, Edward Gamage, Anne Higgins, Mary Havard, Bridget Waters, William Herbert, Elizabeth Phillips, Jane Mason, Thomas Herbert, Jarvis Newton, Capt. Harry Colt. PRO, SP34 /8 ff 49d Riot in Abergavenny in 1706, September 1706, Affidavits of Edward Russell, Thomas Hugh, William Roberts, Walter Davies and Henry Newman, all petty constables of Abergavenny. Photocopies of these documents are now available at Gwent Record Office. Some of the phraseology used by Dutton Colt such as 'idle lusty fellow' and 'lewd inhabitants' reflects terms used in various recruiting acts from 39 Eliz 1, c.4. onwards. 2 J.A. Houlding, Fit For Service, The training of the British Army, 1715-1795 (Oxford, 1981), pp.116-119. 3 Anne 1, c.25. An Act which allowed prisoners with debts under £ 20 to opt for military service rather than prison. Anne 2&3, c.16 extended this to debtors with debts over £ 20 if their creditors agreed. 4 Anne 2&3, c. 19, An Act for the better recruiting Her Majesty's land forces and marines for the year 1704. This Act was renewed every year until it was allowed to lapse in 1712. 5 John Dutton Colt of Llanfihangel Court, Llanfihangel Cruconmey. It is unclear whether this is John Dutton Colt senior or junior who succeeded to the baronetcy conferred on his uncle, or great-uncle, Sir Harry Dutton Colt in 1694. J.A. Bradney, A history of Monmouthshire, (London, 1904-33), l(2a), pp.215, 219. 6 The Cow Inn, in Nevill Street, is now a coffee shop. The exterior wall is decorated with cows' heads, the sign of the inn. 7 Christopher Price appears to be Christopher Price senior of Llanfoist. He was the brother of Charles Price mentioned later in the text. J.A. Bradney, A history of Monmouthshire, (London, 1904-33), 1(2b), p.361. 8 According to the evidence of Dutton Colt, it was the mayor's house. Other witnesses stated that the mayor was lodging at the house of Elizabeth Williams. What is surprising is that there was a mayor at all. The power of a mayor was usually defined in a town's charter. Abergavenny's charter had been forfeited in 1689 and the town was supposedly being run by the parish vestry. J.A. Bradney, A history of Monmouthshire, (London 1904-33), 1(2a), p.154. 9 This is from the evidence of Captain John Dutton Colt and Ann Higgins who had heard about it from Ann Humphrey. The use of guns is not mentioned in the evidence of Captain Harry Colt who was in Mayor Stoughton's lodgings at the time and responsible for repelling the crowd. 10 The name of Katherine John alias Curr is indistinct in the document. Her alias maybe Carr. 11 National Library of Wales, 7108D, C77, (letter number 91 in a letter book). Ambrose Scudamore writing from Kent to Mr Powell. 12 All the witnesses' testimonies were transcribed in English. It is not indicated whether any or all of the original statements were in Welsh.