SION DAFYDD RHYS. III. pRIN yw'r cyfeiriadau at SiƓn Dafydd Rhys fel meddyg yn Sir Frycheiniog. Ni ddywed Wood namyn Afterwards he returned to his country, where he practised his Faculty with admirable success." Y mae un chwedl amdano y byddai'n werth ei hystyried, er nad oes ynddi ddim ffeithiau uniongyrchol, neu o leiaf ddim y gellir ei gadarnhau a'i gredu'n ddiamheuol. Fe'i ceir mewn llyfr sy'n honni bod yn hanes y gwyrthiau a gyflawnwyd wrth ffynnon Gwenfrewy, a dyma hi: In the Year of our Lord God One Thousand, Six Hundred and Six, Sir Roger Bodenham, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, after a tedious Quartan Ague, had a gross humour settled in his Legs, which soon after broke out into an apparent Leprosy. He made use of many able Physicians, but depended most on Doctor John David Rhes, a Cambro-Britain, who commenced Doctor at Sienna, professed Physician at Padua, was practitioner in divers Parts of Italy, and after- wards in England. He was near sixty years of age when Sir Roger consulted him. This learned Man ran thro' all Remedies that Concern could suggest, or Art devise, without any Success or Ease to the Knight. He therefore advised him to lay the Case before the College of Physicians in London, which was stated very faithfully and learnedly by the aforesaid Rhes, and was carry'd up by Mr. Thomas Beale, Steward of Sir Roger's Courts. The College at London, being convened, the Case was read and debated, as also the Practice and Prescriptions of Doctor Rhes, which Beale deliver'd to them in Writing. They wrote to Sir Roger their Opinion, That his Physician had hit right on his Disease and had apply'd proper Remedies for a Cure That he was a person so eminently learned, that they acknowledg'd themselves his Inferiors, he having been Reader to most of them; and if the method he took had no Effect, there was not in Nature any Cure for him. The Knight found not any Satisfaction by the Answer which was penned to the Commendation of his Physician. Doctor Rhes being a Roman Catholick, advised his Patient to St. Wenefride's Well, to try, whether by the Saint's Intercession he might not obtain a Cure, which was not in the Power of Art to Effect. He acquainted him with the Holiness of the Place, and what miraculous Favours were there obtain'd. Sir Roger, extremely desirous of Health, obey'd his Physician, and under- took a painful Journey, full seventy eight British Miles from Rotherwas