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THE WELSH OUTLOOK OUTLOOK The Editor does not necessarily identify himself with the opinions of contributors to The Welsh Outlook. Editorial responsibility is limited to the views expressed in the Notes of the Month," and in the unsigned article immediately following. NOTES OF THE MONTH Foreign Lord Robert Cecil, in his speech on the Affairs. motion for the adjournment on May 20th, merely stated a plain, unadorned fact when he said that the present position in Europe is intensely serious and that never before in the history of European civilization has it been as serious. It has developed for the worse both in Europe and in Asia since he spoke. The Chairman of the American Red Cross declares that" whole- sale famine threatens Poland this summer unless food supplies can be procured in large quantities," and adds that there are over a quarter of a million cases of typhus in Poland and the area occupied by the Polish troops. In the Ukraine we are told that half the population of many of the towns are laid low with disease. We are assuming officially an attitude of sympathy with the distress and a kind of philosophical unconcern at the wanton war which is intensifying it. Owing to our impossible behaviour, we are confronted apparently with a new war in Persia, which reveals the fact that we are losing the sympathy of Persia and gives Sir Henry Wilson an opportunity of taunting the youth of Europe, who believed the cunning statesmen of 1914 when they talked of a war to end war," by declaring that the talk was all moonshine. Against ruin,-physical, economic and spiritual-we have nothing but the Big Two. The League of Nations is being in- sidiously murdered unless the people rise and save it. If there is, or ever will be, a case for the interference of the League, it is the Polish War, and it is time we should know whether the League has been discouraged from taking legiti- mate steps under the articles of its Covenant, in order that the world may continue to be governed by vain and pomp- ous politicians in the interest of England and France. We hope that with the recent entry of neutrals like Sweden and Switzerland (who entered at the expressed wish of its people), it may gain in strength and independence. JUNE, 1920 The League But the hope of the future of the League and the and of European affairs lies, firstly, in the Future. growing conviction of individuals that it is the only bulwark against anarchy and the extinction of civilization, and, secondly, in the education of the nations in its purpose and significance. There are thou- sands of men-a large percentage of whom have served in war and know its horrible realities from experience,- who believe with Lord Robert Cecil that it is the question of all questions in politics. And if it becomes the passion of even a small remnant, then its future triumph is assured. The most important thing of all, however, is the con- version of the people to the cause, and this can only be done by determined propaganda and careful education. We are glad to find that it is proposed to establish a Welsh National Council of the League, because, in the first place, it will stimulate the interest of the Welsh people in Euro- pean and world issues, and it will also give Wales an opportunity of making its contribution to the ultimate solution of the great conflicting issues of our civilization. Welsh Although Welsh Liberalism will never Politics. stiffen itself angrily in a fit of temper as English Liberalism did at Leamington, there are plenty of indications that the Liberals of the Princi- pality are becoming distrustful and inclined to lift the mantles of Coalition embassies to see exactly what kind of weapon may be concealed under their folds. In Angle-, sey, Sir Ellis Griffith, in spite of a vicious intrigue against him, was in the end unanimously adopted Liberal candi- date, although he would swear loyalty neither to Mr. Lloyd George nor to Mr. Asquith. Just as we are going to press, we hear that Cardiganshire, whose sitting member it was intended (at any rate at one time) to translate to a nobler place than that in which he now sits, is inclined, if that