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THE WELSH OUTLOOK The Editor does not necessarily identify himself with the opinions of contributors to The Welsh Outlook." Editorial responsibility is limited to the views expressed in the Notes of the Month" and in the unsigned article immediately following. NOTES OF THE MONTH America America is quarrelling over the Peace the Rebel Treaty. The bitter struggle in the Senate is, however, not entirely regret- table. Professor Gilbert Murray has said somewhere that the test of a good cause is the quality and the character of the opposition to it. A serious rebel is always one who is deeply concerned with the thing against which he is in rebellion. It is well that the idea of the League of Nations should be violently opposed, because the idea of the League of Nations is still very imperfectly understood. We are inclined to think they know more about it in America now than the people do in any other country in the world. It is better for a nation to oppose it for a time than not to be bothered with it at all. The whole world will take the matter more seriously now that America is taking it seriously. Great Britain will be goaded into activity by the American defection. Two very short but notable utterances have been delivered during the month in this country. In reply to a question by Major David Davies (than whom no one, with perhaps the exception of Lord Robert Cecil, has done more for the League of Nations in this country), Mr. Churchill remarked, There is as yet no League of Nations." The country must grasp the significance of this reply. The League has not yet come to being, and America is in open revolt against the Covenant as now framed. Lord Robert Cecil says, The League of Nations must certainly go on, whatever happens," and this is the simple cry which this country must take up with zeal. It is the sole hope of permanent peace. The education of the public in its principles must proceed apace. Money is wanted speakers are wanted it is a crusade in even a greater sense than the war was a crusade. The churches are still passing strong resolu- tions in favour of the League of Nations, but they are not leading the Crusade. Never was there a greater oppor- DECEMBER, 1919. tunity for Christianity to direct political events. That the churches are not doing so effectively is one of the tragedies of the present day. We understand that over 30,000 appeals have been sent to the churches by the League of Nations' Union in the last few weeks, and that the response to these has been practically negligible. This fact is a disgrace to the churches, and they alone must be responsible for the contempt they engender in the serious heart. Principalship It would be completely out of place at of this moment to revert to any discussion Aberystwyth of the relative merits of the three dis- tinguished candidates on the final selec- tion list for the Principalship at Aberystwyth. The appointment has been made. and we heartily congratulate Mr. J. H. Davies on his appointment to this responsible position. Mr. J. H. Davies is one of the best known men in Wales-a great patriot, an authority on certain periods of Welsh history, the most distinguished living Welsh bibliographer, and a real benefactor of his nation in that he has brought together, with great perseverance and labour, the most marvellous collection of Welsh printed books ever known-a collection which ultimately (but not for a very long time yet we hope) will become the property of the Welsh nation. For nearly twenty years he has been the Registrar of the College, and, during that period, the institution has prospered exceedingly-partly through his efforts, partly through the unsparing labours of the late Principal and the Staff of the College, but largely through the devotion of all old Aberystwythians to their old College. Mr. Davies enters on his Principalship at a very critical moment-a moment of infinite possibility and of infinite danger. We trust that he will receive the utmost support from all those who love Aber., and that his