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THE WELSH OUTLOOK APRIL, 1918. The Editor does not necessarily identify himself with the opinions of contributors to The Welsh Outlook." Editorial responsibility is limited to the views expressed in the Notes of the Month." NOTES OF THE MONTH The Eastern The news from Russia during the past Front month has been confused and bewildering It is not clear whether the Bolshevik. Government has concluded peace with the Central Powers or whether Germany will recognise any treaty which may be signed. Enemy forces have penetrated into Finland on the pretext of saving the Finlanders from the Bolsheviks. They have seized the Aaland Isles and have thus become a menace to Scandinavia. The Swedes are becoming apprehensive, and they cannot welcome the prospect of the Baltic being turned into a German lake. In the South, German troops have entered Odessa, Russia's most impor- tant port on the Black Sea. The Roumanian Army is thus completely cut off and surrounded, and has no choice but to surrender. The Turks have taken Trebizonde and are said to be marching on Tiflis, and it appears as though the Black Sea would also come under the domination of the Central Powers. The Bolsheviks now understand that they have been the dupes of German Diplomatists. Their appeals to the Socialist Parties in Germany have fallen on deaf ears, and there is no response from that quarter. Having destroyed the remnants of discipline and moral in the Russian Army, having abandoned their guns and stores to the enemy, they are unable to back up their demands by deeds. They are completely at the mercy of the invaders. This spectacle should serve as an object lesson to pacifists in this country. Germany and During all this time Russia is in the Siberia throes of civil war. The enemy will probably seize Petrogad and will make a great effort to secure control of the railway system in Siberia. In this huge agricultural province there are large stores of provisions which have been accumulating there during the last two years. Germany will do all she can to seize these supplies of food. We are told that already German and Austrian prisoners in Siberia are being armed. German agents are flooding the country and unless steps are taken quickly by our Japanese Allies it is quite possible that even Siberia may be overrun by the Teutonic hordes. We are also told that the Bolsheviks will resent any intervention on the part of Japan. In the interest of democracy and republicanism in Russia it is difficult to understand this attitude on their part. It must be clear to everyone that if, as it now seems most probable, Germany becomes predominant in Russia, one of the first things she will do is to set up a German Czar on the throne of the Romanoffs. The Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs must take this step in sheer self-defence. It is incon- ceivable that their thrones would be worth a moment's purchase if a Russian Republic were allowed to remain in existence at their very doors. The Position If the Bolsheviks are really in earnest, of Japan and wish to secure permanence for the new democratic institutions, why do they not turn their eyes to the East and implore the assistance of Japan ? Even in this country some people, and especially the pacifists, have endeavoured to throw suspicion on the good intentions of Japan. They are trying to sow the seeds of mistrust, and to impute motives of greed and territorial aggrandisement to our Ally. The Japanese are a highly sensitive and intelligent nation. They are the youngest democracy in the East. Emerging from the feudalism of the Middle Ages a few years ago, they have copied our Western institutions and civilisation. Since that time they have consistently maintained a high standard of international law-they have been quick to grasp new ideas and to absorb Western education and ideals. Should we then not welcome them into the circle of the League of Free Nations in the struggle against militarism ? Whatever prejudices there may be against the yellow races, we shall be doing a bad day's work if we close the door to them and if, by our mistrust and suspicion, we drive them into the arms of Germany. Japan is at the parting of the ways. Either she must choose to throw in her lot on the side of liberty and democracy or she can decide to become the great military and imperialistic Power of the East. Upon her choice may depend whether the world is to be har- nessed to the chariot of militarism for another century.