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to working out the complete town-planning schemes, and to adapting the details more thoroughly to the individual requirements of each locality. This could be done with a single mind, because the desire to check the present evils and the fear of hampering current developments would no longer conflict. These tend, in some cases, to delay the Local Authorities from securing the preliminary protection which is really urgent, and, in others, to hurry them into the completion of schemes which have not been sufficiently considered. But Local Authorities should not wait, and should not be prompted by their constituents to wait, for future changes, either in procedure or in the Act itself, before adopting it, because it is only by its general adoption that such changes can be COFIA. Fy mhlentyn bach, pan ddelo'r dydd I fynd o'r rhwymau hyn yn rhydd, A thorri iau ein gormes ni, A chreu y byd a fynnych dL- Cofia dy daid a'i ddwylo mawr, A'i gefn lluddedig yn gwyro'i lawr, A gofyn beunydd gan y nef Am galon fel ei galon ef. Cofia dy nain a welodd wawr Drwy drymaf len y twllwch mawr. Pan waeddo'r amheuon, na wrando'r rhain, Ond cofia'r ffydd oedd ffydd dy nain. Cofia dy fam, a'i phryder hi Yn oriau dy nosau anniddig di, A chofia beunydd mai dy grud Oedd allor ei hieuenctid drud. Cofia dy dad a feiau lu, Fe'th garodd er mor droiog fu, A gofyn beunydd gan y nef Am galon well na'i galon ef. Cofia'r Iesu rhwng daear a nen Fu'n crogi drosot ti ar bren Cofia ei ddagrau pan ddaeth gwys I ddweud am farw Lazarus. rendered easy, and indeed, in some respects, perhaps desirable. So long as the use of the Town Planning Act is the exception rather than the rule, great precautions must be necessary to protect the individual owners, both large and small, from injury, and to protect also the community from liability to compen- sation. But once the use of the Act becomes general, and certain lines for schemes become established, owners and builders alike will know what they have to expect, and much of the elaborate system of warnings and notices will be able to be safely dispensed with, particularly in the preliminary stages, the character of which will be similar in all schemes. Raymond Unwin. W. J Grufodd.