Notwithstanding my long Stay at Genova I shamefully omitted seeing the Church of St. Cire.78 The two Streets, Strada Nuova & Strada Balbi wch I have not mention'd are as famous as anything in Italy & Wth Reason.79 That of Balbi is larger & finer Proportioned but ye other is such a Nest of Palaces as (I believe) is not to be equalled in ye World. Nothing is wanting but Room to have a compleat view of them. The D. of Doria's fine Palace in ye Strada Nuova, built by Galeace a French Architect.80 In ye same street Jo. Baptista Carago's by Michael Angelo. The Greatest Part of ye Buildings in ys Town are rustic up to ye 2nd story. In ye greater Palace ofDurazzo is a Picture of Seneca dying in a Bath by Luca Jordano (as at my Ld Exeter's), 4 Rooms hung Wth Designs for Tapestry in water Colours, ye Subjects all taken from ye Book of Genesis.81 These they Sd were done by Raphael but nobody (as far as I can learn) believes it. Here is ye Placing ye Ointment on our Saviour's Feet by Paul Veronese. This is, I think, the same wth one at Versailles. A fine Madona & a Chirstus (sic) patiens by Carlo dulci. In ye other, (ye little Durazzo's Palace) there are some fine Pictures. Roman Charity by Guido, Boys by Rubens & some small ones by Dominicano. In ye Palace of Balby among others there are some good Pictures of Vandyke. I was much pleas'd Wth a marriage of St. Catherine Weh they told me was done by Correggio. 1 C. Howard, English Travellers its the Renaissance, London, 1904, p. 75. 2 T. Nugent, New Observations on Italy translated by Thomas Nugent, London, 1769, 3, p. 62; P. Cunningham (ed.), The Letters of Horace Walpole, IV, Edinburgh, 1906, p. 419. 3 C. Hibbert, The Grand Tour, London, 1969, passim. 4 With the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, there was no shortage of French teachers in England and most young men in the eighteenth century would have had a reasonable grasp of the language before embarking on their tour. 5 See J. Lees-Milne, Earls of Creation, Jive great patrons of Eighteenth Century art, London, 1962. 6 See Alumni Oxoniensis. 7 National Library of Wales (Brigstocke) MS. 94. 8 See R.J. Colyer, 'The Pryse Family of Gogerddan and the decline of a great estate, 1800-1960: Welsh History Review, 9, (4), 1979)- 9 Dean Nicholas Wotton died in 1567 and is commemorated by a Renaissance-type monument in Trinity Chapel in which he kneels in prayer on a tomb-chest before a 'reredos'. The lofty obelisk behind the figure, symbolising immortality, gives a curious effect to the whole design. (John Newman in The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent, 1969, p. 193; M. Babington, Canterbury Cathedral, (revised edn., 1948, p. 118.) Although there appears to be no positive indication that the monument was made in Italy, Dr. Urry, former archivist of Canterbury, believed it to have been of Italian workmanship. (I am indebted to Dr. Brian Porter for this information.) 10 In all probability none of the floor stones seen by Langton were associated with the martyrdom, much rebuilding having taken place. According to 'G.S. in The Chronological History of Canterbury Cathedral of 1883, Prior Benedict caused all the stones upon which Becket had fallen to be taken up shortly after the murder and used for the construction of an altar to grace a church which the Prior had recently built in Peterborough (p. 71). Dr. Brian Porter has suggested that the pink coloration in the slab of marble to the north of the 'Murder Stone' may have been the 'blood' shown to Langton. (Personal Communication.)