†I845 (2 Dec) A draft lease was made up for Messrs Gower & Co. t1848 (5 May) Leased to John Taylor senior, and John Taylor, junior, for 21 years at a royalty of one-tenth. †I862 (22 Sep) Granted on a take-note for 2 years at a royalty of one-sixteenth to Sampson Trevethan and John Rowland. †I868 (8 Dec) Leased to the Powell United Silver Lead Mining Co. Ltd, (from 29 September 1868) for 21 years at a royalty of one-sixteenth (Dead rent of £ 25) 1872 (25 Dec) Lease of 1868 surrendered by Mr. Handley the Liquidator of Powell Co. †I872 (25 Dec) Leased to Powell Consolidated Lead Mining Co. Ltd, on same terms as lease of 1868. 1879 (2 Dec) Terms of Royalty of lease of 1872 reduced to one-twentieth. LLYWERNOG MINE 1789 (1 Oct) Leased to John Pierce and William Poole, by Margaret Pryse (not executed). *1825 (April) Leased to the Williams, of Scorrier House in Cornwall at a royalty of 28/- per ton of lead ore and one-tenth on other ores. (Draft copy in Manuscript collection) 185 (Oct) Held on take-note by J. Holdsworth. 1852 (31 Mar) A lease for Llywernog expired on this date. 1852 (31 Mar) Leased to J. Holdsworth for 21 years at a royalty of one-fourteenth. 1868 Deed of Revocation (not executed) of Lease of 1852. 1870 (26 Mar) Leased to John Barton Balcombe and James Rhodes. 1886 (24 Apr) Deed of Revocation of Lease of 1870. PONTERWYD (Lands of Craignantfawr, Craignatfach and Ponterwyd) *1836 (29 Sept) Craignant' included in lease to Michael and William Williams of Corn- wall for a term of 14 years. *I842 (3I Dec) Craignant' leased to the Taylors. *1853 (22 Nov) Craignantfach' and 'Craignantmawr' leased to Thomas Fuller for 2 years. *1868 (31 Dec) Craignantfach, Craignantfawr and Ponterwyd leased to Joseph La Mert and Edward Ashford for 21 years at a royalty of one-fourteenth. *1881 (5 Nov) — Deed of Revocation of 1868 Lease (copy only in Manuscript Collection) *1897 ( Craignant Bach (or Bog Pool) taken by Captain William Northey and Mr. Edward Evans for 12 months on a take-note. CLARA †I873 (29 Sep) Leased to the Clara Consolidated Silver Lead Mining Co. Ltd, for 21 years (from 25 March 1871) at a royalty of one-sixteenth Dead rent £ 25. 1 The mine is run by the Mid Wales Mining Museum Ltd, and I wish to thank the directors, Bob Griffin and Pete Harvey, for their help in enabling me to write this article. 2 See D. Bick The Old Metal Mines of Mid-Wales, Pt 2, Cardiganshire- The Riieidol to Goginan, for further information. 3 O. T. Jones, Lead and Zinc. The Mining District of North Cardiganshire and West Montgomeryshire. (Vol. XX in Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain, Memoirs of the Geological Survey). 4 D. Jenkins, 'The Pryse Family of Gogerddan', N.L. W. Journal, Vol. 8. 5 Letter from Thomas Powell to William Corbett, Esq., 20 Mar 1742, Nanteos MS Collection N.L.W. 6 Idem.