52 P.R.O./E.i23/vol. 7, f. 78. 53 This lease was sold by Herle in 1574/5 to Humfrey ap Griffith ap Llin Vain, who sold it on 18 March 1581 to Lewys Goz ap David, and by him on 16 December 1582 to Sir Richard Price and William Lewis. T. I. Jeffreys Jones, Exchequer Procs., p. 93; Cal. State Papers Dom., 1547-80, p. 680. 54 P.R.O./E.123/vol. 8, f. 112b. 55 P.R.O./S.P.i2/i49/no.43. 56 P.R.O./E.123/vol. 8, f. 114. 57 Cal. State Papers Dom., 1581-90, p. 481; there are many letters concerning Herle's activities abroad to be found in the Cal. State Papers Foreign, 1581-1587; Return of Members of Parliament. Part I. Parliaments of England, 1213-1702, 1878, p. 147. 58 T. I. Jeffreys Jones, 'A study of rents and fines in South Wales in the sixteenth and early seven- teenth centuries', B. B. Thomas, Harlech Studies. Essays presented to Dr. Thomas Jones, 1938, p. 231. 59 E. G. Jones, op. cit., pp. 91-2.; N.L.W. Mss. 19981E (this includes Weaver's petition). 60 Details of this indenture were taken from an old inventory of deeds among the N.L.W. Gogerddan Collection. 61 John Dodridge, An historical account of the ancient and modern state of the Principality of Wales, 1714, pp. 67-73, this gives a list of officers in the principality and their fees in 44 Eliz.(160I-02). Cal. Patent Rolls, 1558-1560, p. 247; 1566-1569, pp. 262-3 give details of the grant of attorney- general, and 1569-1572, p. 11 of the justiceship. 62 This question is discussed by Wallace T. MacCaffrey, 'Place and Patronage in Elizabethan Politics', Bindoff, Hurstfield and Williams, Elizabethan Government and Society, 1961, pp. 95-126 and by Richard C. Barnett, Place, Profit and Power. A study of the servants of William Cecil, Elizabethan Statesman, (James Sprunt Studies in history and political science, vol. 51), 1969. Rhys Robinson has described office-holding in Wales, 'Early Tudor policy towards Wales: the acquisition of lands and offices in Wales by Charles Somerset, Earl of Worcester', Bull. Board Celtic Studies, xx, pt. iv (1964) pp. 421-38; 'Early Tudor policy towards Wales: The Welsh offices held by Henry, Earl of Worcester (1526-49), ibid., xxi, pt. i, pp. 43-74. 63 Francis Green, Calendar of Deeds & Documents, Vol. II, The Crosswood Deeds, 1927, p. 35; T. I. Davies, 'The Vale of Aeron in the Making, Ceredigion, iii, 1956-9, pp. 194-206. 64 David Jenkins, 'The Pryse family of Gogerddan', Nat. Library Wales Jnl., viii, no. 1, 1953, p. 95. 65 G. Dyfnallt Owen, Elizabethan Wales, The Social Scene, 1964, p. 27; Howell A. Lloyd, The Gentry of South-West Wales, 1540-1640, 1968, p. 154. 66 This is discussed under the heading'Life and Loyalties' in Lloyd, op. cit., pp. 205-8; T. I. Jeffreys Jones, Exchequer Procs., p. xiv. 67 Lloyd, op. cit., p. 168. 68 Lewis and Davies, op. cit., p. 97.